Monday, January 1, 2018

YHWH in ancient Hebrew glyphs reveals Jesus' crucifixion

YHWH is known as the Tetragrammaton for the NAME of Creator God in the Old Testament and presages His incarnation and crucifixion.  A picture of an arm with a hand represents the sound /y/ in yod (hand).  A picture of a person with elbows at right angles and hands raised to either side of his head and his legs bent beneath him represents /h/ in heh (behold, lo).  A picture of a tent peg or nail represents /w/ in waw (to add, and).  Hebrew is written and read right to left.

I took Jeff Brenner’s Ancient Hebrew course at  He noticed the NAME YHWH includes a “nail” and a “hand” with “behold”/”look” representing Christ’s crucifixion.  I noticed the heh glyph looks like a crucified man raising himself up with bent elbows to exhale (making the /heh/ sound;  crucified exhale) before allowing his body weight to straighten his arms to inhale.  The heh glyph does not include the feet.  Jesus’ feet were most likely placed on top of the other with a single nail driven through both into the post.

To the Hebrews, the hand includes the wrist.  When washing their “hands” they would have someone else pour water over their upright hands (thus also washing their forearms), much like a doctor washes his hands before surgery.  Jesus Christ was crucified with nails between the two bones (radius and ulna) in His wrists.  If hands had nails driven through the palms, the crucified person’s body-weight would cause the flesh of their palms to rip.

Jesus was crucified on a T-shaped cross of two pieces of wood.  The upper horizontal portion was the part which the criminal carried to the crucifixion site.  The upper portion was called the patibulum in Latin (the language of the Romans).  Patibulum is derived from the verb patere meaning “to be open” as the patibulum was the horizontal piece of wood which barred the gate and had to be removed to open the gate.  The patibulum was typically 5-6 feet long weighing 100-125 pounds. Jesus often told His disciples they needed to pick up their “cross” (Matthew 16:24; Mark 10:21; and Luke 9:23) which is stauros in Greek, meaning wooden stake or post from the root stao meaning tree or stump.  This lower vertical portion of the cross is stipes in Latin, meaning trunk, stake, or pale (as to “impale” upon); and ranged from 6-8 feet tall with the taller ones often reserved for festivals.  For prolonged torture a seat (sedile in Latin) of wood was attached to the stipes.  Christ’s crucifixion needed to be quick, so His cross was short, and did not have a seat or a foot rest.  In the 2016 movie Risen, a unique pin & hinge system is used for the stipes (Risen trailer view seconds 21-26).  This would remove the stipes from view of the Temple courtyard during their holy days; if indeed, the “place of the skull (kranion)” was northeast of the Temple and the sheep gate (golgotha).

I am Aleph and Tav, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.  Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.  Revelation 22:13-14 

In Hebrew tav means “seal” and “sign” and “to covenant”, and is represented by a lower-case ‘t’ letter.  A wooden plaque with the criminal’s name and crime was called a titulus and was carried by a soldier ahead of the criminal, and then secured to the top of the cross.  If the titulus was secured so that most of it was above the patibulum, the whole cross shape would appear to be a lower-case ‘t’ letter. 
To some Jewish scholars the Tetragrammaton represents the Hebrew phrase “Hayah hoveh yi’yeh” which translated means “He was, He is, He will be”.  This seems similar to Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”

1 comment:

  1. You do sn excellent cross-reference assessment into a number of areas concerning Dr. Petrovich's translations. Thank you! Best Regards, Ron Stewart
